Wednesday 16 November 2016

JobPath Experience

This blog will be about my experience on the employment activation Jobpath here in Letterkenny, Co.Donegal, Ireland. Jobpath is run by the private company called Seetec and People1st are the organization that run it in Donegal. I will write everything to do with it and my experiences on it. As an Irish citizen everyone is entitled to the freedom of speech as stated in the Irish Constitution article 40.6.1.

Seetec which as you may or not know is also the same UK company that was allegedly placing Work Choice clients as free labour to charities and other host organizations, and then paying their wages itself for the next six months – through its “wage incentive scheme” - while pretending to DWP on official documents that the salaries were being paid by the host organizations.

More can be read about that on the below links:

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