Monday 5 December 2016

Donegal Signing On Continues To Fall, The Real Reason Why

So the Irish government made another announcement about the signing on numbers falling again in Donegal. It is nothing but government spin, created to make the rest of the people in Ireland believe that there are now more people in employment.

It is all lies and all about massaging the unemployment figures. I will tell you how the Irish government massage the unemployment figures.

The government force unemployed people onto government schemes. If a unemployed person doesn't do said scheme they get their dole cut.

Now about schemes and programmes the government use to massage said numbers.

One such scheme is a Community Employment Scheme

This is where you are made do work in the community for a extra €22.50 a week. So say a person was getting €188 a week or less, then they will get the minimum CE weekly rate of €210.50 (that is €188 plus €22.50). If their actual weekly social welfare payment (including dependents) was €188.01 or more, then they will get the equivalent rate plus €22.50.

One thing to note is that in the budget in October 2015 the extra €20 a person got for doing a CE scheme went up a miserable €2.50 making it now €22.50. The government TDs and government ministers are on nearly €3,000 a week plus they get traveling expenses but all a unemployed person gets for doing a CE scheme is €22.50 extra. Before the rise of  €2.50 in last years budget all a person got for doing a CE scheme in 2015 was €20. If you did a scheme in 2014, 2013, 2012 all the way back to when the euro came in, in 2002 all you got was €20 extra. Inflation went up, prices went up, fuel went up, electricity, the cost of living as a whole went up but all a person got since 2002 for doing a CE scheme was €20 extra of whatever their dole was.

Now back to how the government massage said numbers. If a unemployed person ends up doing a CE scheme then they are taken off the live register while they are on the CE scheme but yet they still get government money that is paid by FÁS now called Solas. That money is paid every week into their bank account. So not only are they still getting government money and not paying taxes but the Irish government class them as being in employment as they are no longer on the live register, all so the Irish government can say there are more people working when really that is not the case at all.

Its the same with, Tús, Gateway, Rural Social Scheme, JobBridge, Back to Education Allowance or Springboard and now Jobpath.

Only the thing about Jobpath is a unemployed person on it gets nothing extra, no €20. Travel expenses are only paid when you have to see your job adviser, so every week you have to come in to look up jobs on their computers you don't get paid travel expenses, only when you have to see your job adviser.. Seetec/People1st will not pay travel expenses either if you use a taxi, so if you live out in the arse whole of nowhere where there is no public transport which is mostly the case here in Donegal and you have no other way of traveling but to use a taxi then you will be out of pocket, its that simple.

As you know I am already on Jobpath. I got a letter in to say I no longer have to sign on while on Jobpath that is also why the unemployment figures are down. Nothing to do with more people working like the Irish government would want you believe but everything to do with being forced into schemes and government programmes run by a private company and taken off the live register while on them.

Below I have copy and pasted the news article about the number of people in Donegal signing on falling and the link to the site it was on.

The number of Donegal people signing on social welfare continues to fall.

The downward trend in the figures continued from last month; 15,843 were on the live register last month, down 122 on July and down 2116 in August 2015.

The biggest drop was Letterkenny with the number on the live register falling to below 5,000 with 186 fewer people signing on.

In Ballybofey, the number was down 27 month to month, and in Killybegs 23 less people signed on. The number also fell by 21 in Donegal Town and stayed the same in Dungloe at 1,718.

However, the number rose by one in Dunfanaghy while the largest increase was recorded in Inishowen with 46 people joining the register.

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