Thursday, 5 January 2017

Second Review

I had my second review. It was more or less the same as the first review. My job adviser asked how my job searching was going and did I look into getting work experience in the type of work I wanted to do. I told my job adviser I had asked for work experience in the business establishment that specializes in the type of work that I am interested in doing and they said to me they are not taking on anyone for work experience at the minute but they would keep me in mind and I also told my job adviser the name of the person I spoke to if she wanted to check. She updated what I had told her into her computer. She then looked up on her computer the type of work I was looking for and sent a few links to my email address to check out.

She asked me if there was anything else I wanted to work at as what I wanted to work at it was not going to be easy to get a job in that type of work and I had to be realistic about looking for other types of jobs. She told me "Your on the programme now 8 weeks"  Its actually 7 weeks I'm on it, and that my next review will be my quarter. She told me to keep up my job searching and made another appointment for my next review and to check out the links she sent to my email address. We said our good byes and I made my way out of the tower of misery and back out into the lovely fresh cool air and enjoyed my freedom once more until the following week when it would be time for job searching once again.

One thing I have noticed so far while on Jobpath is that it seems to be mostly older people on Jobpath. People in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, there are more people in their 50's than any other age group on Jobpath in Letterkenny. I have seen one man who didn't look too far off the age of 60, can I ask who is going to give him a job at his age? You can be put on Jobpath up to age 61.

Yet this is what Jobpath are targeting, people who are basically unemployable, but so long as it makes the live register figures lower that is all that matters. Another thing I have noticed is that there are no Travellers on Jobpath, not one have I yet to see on it but for some strange reason they seem to be exempt from being put on Jobpath.

The unemployment figures will just keep on dropping the more people they put on Jobpath and half of Letterkenny's unemployed people who are on jobseekers benefit or jobseekers allowance are already on Jobpath and anyone who is not its just a matter of time before they are put on it, except of course if your Traveller in which case they won't bother about you!

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